"But those who wait on the Lord will find new strength. They will fly
high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They walk
and not faint." Isaiah 40:31
Timing is everything and most importantly God's timing is perfect. One of the things I have been being taught over and over is that patience is something that even though it doesn't come easily to me, I have to learn it. So many times I want to act before God said yes and several times I've tried and failed and had to get up and say that's ok. I've heard over and over that something just wasn't God's timing and honestly I had just gotten used to saying ya that's true, but I was reminded that my timing doesn't work and unless I go to God I will be out of the right time. Often I would get hurt and upset that the door I wanted to be opened so badly was closed right in front of me, and I often would let those feelings control my actions and my weeks. I would shut down at the thought of being rejected again and to avoid it I just wouldn't even try. My thinking was so wrong, and I wasn't going to the One who knew why it wasn't the right time and could show me which door to go through. Even though I kept trying to find the doors I wanted God is always faithful to me showing me another way, a better way. I have been beyond humbled at thinking about all of what I thought was a door being slammed and seeing that it was really just God saying that I should go a better way. I have been given opportunities that I would've never been able to have without something else not working out. If I think about it I wouldn't even be at the university I am, and that I feel so at home at, if I hadn't of gotten a no from the first school I wanted. Learning through being told no is hard but I have to remind myself that there is so much more in store when I make sure to look at where I am being guided. For I know that God has so much more in store for me, and for all of us, than even imaginable. I'm excited to see where He leads me and thankful for His being patient with me.
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