Monday, October 27, 2014

because you are loved

I am loved.

Sometimes this is so hard for me to believe. I hear it, but it doesn't sink in to my heart. It is the one thing I want so deeply yet the one thing I constantly doubt. I mean is that weird for me to feel? Probably but that's where I'm at. Some days I feel like I never measure up and I feel extremely alone. I know it's not the truth but it's a daily battle for me to believe the truth. I have to make a constant decision to believe that I am loved. Some days it's harder than others and sometimes I'll go hours without remember the truth. I know that it is just the devil trying to get to me and once I let go of that I'm ok, and I keep going on with my day. I find myself reminding others how much they are loved and yet I struggle to remember it for myself. I hurt so deeply just crying out to know that I'm loved and to know that I am loved for myself and not for anything that isn't truly me.

Some days I cry at the thought of how God loves me completely. I have it written all over my room but yet I forget. We have a God who died to show us how much He wholeheartedly loves us. The thought of this completely blows my mind. God died to show someone like me that He will constantly love me. Me, the person who doubts daily that she is loved? God knew before I was born that I would need a constant reminder and yet He still loves me and never fails at putting things in my way to show me. There is never a day when God doesn't remind me how fully He loves me. Some days it's through the people I run into, others from the person speaking on stage, and others it's in the beauty that is all around me. I'll be driving and all the sudden I'll see the sunset that God painted just for us to enjoy that beauty. I'll be sitting there feeling all alone and someone walking by will stop to talk with me. I am blessed to be loved by a God who loves me enough to remind me daily (if not more) how very much He truly loves me. And that same love is for everyone. No matter how much you feel unworthy He will always still love you with a love that never fails and never stops. How different would we act if we remembered that every single day and acted like we truly believe it?

Friday, October 10, 2014

I'm your biggest fan... but really!!

        This week one of the things we talked about in social media marketing was our passions and how we are thought leaders. I was talking with a friend of mine afterwards saying that I didn’t know what to write for a post we had over thought leadership because my main passion is encouraging others in their passions. Honestly if I had to pick one thing to do all day every day for the rest of my life I would choose encouraging people without a doubt. That feeling of seeing someone doing what they love and the joy that comes across their face. Throughout this semester I’ve learned more and more that what really recharges me is getting to pour into others and being able to help them. In doing this I not only am lifting them up but I am speaking the truth of what is good in another human being, and that is beautiful. When you spend time encouraging others it changes your perspective of the world and of us. For me it has made it to where I love people. When I say I love people I really fully mean it like I’m pretty sure I just want to be everyone’s biggest fan. I want to be in the “front row” of their live and get to cheer them on. I want the people around me to see how great these people are that I come in contact with day in and day out. My passion is showing others how much they are worth and hopefully through that showing them a glimpse of how God sees them. I search for the thing in each person that makes them who they are and how they use that every day in a way that is just amazing.

You may wonder ok how does this relate to marketing at all…
Well marketing is helping others succeed in their passions. Forget the tactics and the money and take a step back to see the overview of what we do as marketers, do you see it? Ya right there! we sell a product, not just any product but one that someone was passionate enough about it to create it. Or we sell a company, not just any company but one with employees who work day in and day out to make it all that it is and when it was first started it was one person with a passion and an idea. And without that one person having a passion and following through there would not be anything to do marketing for.

       We see passions every day. Some of them we agree with and some we don’t but that is what makes us different and makes the world interesting. I think that just for a day if you force yourself to look for the best in every person you see (and yes even that one person who no one gets along with) then your whole outlook will change. I hope just for a day you’ll try my passion to make it your own. And whatever your passion is remember you will always have at least one fan.

oh and if you want to read my blog that I'm writing during my marketing through social media blog check it out here: The Marketing All Around Us